Sunday, July 4, 2010

Insight from the wise ones.

I am very grateful for my mother this morning.  Coming home has been a very...shocking experience?  I've been living in the middle of the Middle East for the past 9 weeks and coming back to a place where girls boobs are falling out all over the place, people are making out in a public park, and it is raining outside, has been quite the culture shock.  Combined with the fact that I came from a culture where it seems that every question was answered with the phrase, "as you like" to a family reunion that could rival the soapiest soap opera.  I am a little overwhelmed and drama overloaded.  I am going back to my singles ward this afternoon.  That is also a bit terrifying for me.  I can't help it.  Large groups of social people kind of make me a bit nervous.

Last night my mother gave me some advice that she felt important to give me.  When I started swimming competitively eons ago I had a swim coach named Dan.  "Dan the man" we used to call him.  At one of my first meets he asked me what I wanted to do with my swimming.  I was 9, I said, "go to the Olympics".  He told me that was possible if I was willing to do what he said.  Along with obviously working very hard I was told to go to every swimming meet I could attend and do every event I was allowed to do.  I did.  I did everything.  I was going to every meet that I knew about and always swimming the maximum number of events.  I did every kind of event I could.  I never made it to the Olympics, my goals changed, but I did do exactly what he told me.  Because of that, I had the physical freedom to do any event that I wanted really well.  I didn't have any kind of specialty event until one was picked for me in high school.

My mother compared my current state to my experience as a 9 year old.  What do I want?  When I think about my goals I need to decide what things I truly want.  If that is truly what I want then I need to follow Dan's advice.  
I need to go to every event that I am invited to, take every opportunity I can, work harder than I ever have before and follow every impression that I am given.  
If I do that, I will not only reach my goals, but reach them as a person well-rounded and prepared for whatever comes my way.  
My mother is a very wise person.  
So there is my goal. Let's see how it goes. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is, and you are wise to heed her advice. You are a smart and strong girl Alison, in so many ways. You will do and ARE doing a fantastic job. It is not easy and it never stops, but you get everything out of life that you put into it. We are proud of you.