Saturday, February 4, 2012

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3...

Today is what I am referring to as my..."back up" day.

I'm researching for my thesis for the moment.

Which is done in libraries, online, and sometimes in my sleep.

These things do happen.

So it is reading, typing, organizing, pictures, scans,..a million other bits of things.

Anyway, big project, LOTS and LOTS of data and most of it is electronic at the moment.

So at least once a week I backup this data on external hard drives, other computers, online, and then also hard copies.

Sound paranoid?

You would think so unless you knew that I have had 2 computers crash right after I felt impressed to back them up.

So, with that lesson firmly in mind, I have backup days.

But there is some waiting time as files copy and move.

It is during this time that I allow myself to "feed" those distractions that have been threatening me all week.

Like learning html coding, or photoshop tricks, or today, learning to make gif's.

Because, you see, if I didn't do them on Saturday's, I might try to do them during the week.

And then nothing would EVER get done.

For example, when I wanted to learn to make an avatar in Photoshop, I waited until it was conference weekend to turn my little sisters into avatars.

It was hard, but it was a good reward for doing my homework.

Good grief, I'm a dork.

Today, as my files transferred, I learned to make a gif file.

This is my first try.

It is taken of a video of me...tackling the bug.


Oh don't worry,

I still have a few more hours of files, transferring, and syncing to get through.

There will be more where this came from.

♥ ♥ ♥