Saturday, July 10, 2010

Home for the Holidays

Weekends are going to be my holidays for the next few weeks.
So when I got to come home for the weekend I was pretty relieved,
after a bit of a rough start.
Rough start you ask?
It would seem that to start every new excavation I must be injured.
In Syria I had this:
Don't worry, it was just a little sprain and it healed pretty quickly.
This week, the first week of my Kanab job, started like this:
Does one eye look a little more red than the other?
Between the dryness of Utah,
the allergies from Hades,
and eyes full of dirt all week,
I got a little bit of eye irritation.
Don't worry, the expensive eye drops from the pharmacy are clearing it up right quick.

So the week seemed to be a bit rough but then I came home to a wonderful surprise.
It's a little Asus netbook.
I named it Tahla which means 'little palm tree' in Arabic.
It wasn't due until the end of the month, but it's ok, I'll take it early.
Thank you you are still my favorite.
Here is a comparison in size between my old lovely Dell and my new little Tahla.
I wish the picture could show the difference in weight as well.
Let me tell you, there is a big difference.
I'm really excited about it and how it's lovely weight and portability will get me going in grad school.

So life is good,
in other awesome news check out:

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