Friday, July 24, 2009

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

Yes I am really sorry I have not posted in so long. This summer has been flying by and internet access has been sketchy to say the least. This summer has also been absolutely amazing!!! I have officially about 5 weeks left. Isn't that crazy? 5 weeks, that's it. I don't know what to do with myself. We are camping onsite 4 days a week trying to finish up our survey. Complaints about camping have been rampant but to be honest, I absolutely love the camping. I also loved getting stuck in the rainstorm on Wednesday. I'm really not being sarcastic, promise. I loved it. The lightening was less than a mile a way and we ran about a mile to the car. I have never been so completely soaked in my life, and I was a swimmer! I loved it all though, it was so beautiful, it smelled so good, and I was so completely happy! I love it here but I am excited to move on, move forward and move home. This is my last year of my undergrad and I'm blown away by how fast life is moving along. Good times. Well I'm still trying to put up pictures from the last few months but it's not working well but I will try to update a little more regularly. Adios!