Monday, February 1, 2010


There is this point when you are flying in an airplane, 'the point of no return', where you can no longer go back, you are committed to the path you have chosen.  Welcome to that point folks.  I have been preparing for this day for a very, very, very long time.  Today is the deadline for my grad school application and my Syria application.  My grad school stuff has been done for months but there is something significant about the fact that, as of today, I cannot look back.  I've chosen my path and made my commitment.  Moment of silence please for my possible horrendous mistake.....................................just kidding, it's the right thing, I'm just nervous whether I'm going to get in or not.
Last night I finished my Syria application.  I thought I would post a picture of it because it is a big deal for me.  So there you go, big day, and I am off to turn in my application, money, and whatever is left of my sanity.  Updates on what happens will most definitely follow.

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