Despite our change in location, some things never change. Here is the story of the pumpkin from this year:
Once upon a time there was a pumpkin that was purchased at Halloween.
Once upon a time there was a pumpkin that was purchased at Halloween.
Why did the padre purchase this particular pumpkin?
Well, because it was super cheap.
Why was it so cheap?
So what did we do?
Place it on a rock outside with it's rotting side hidden from the world.
...and then...
it was promptly forgotten until a massive snow storm hit and the snow from it buried the pumpkin alive and half rotten.
And then the poor members of the House of Nuts could not remember if we ever threw the rotting pumpkin away or if it was still on that rock in front of the was discussed, questioned but then forgotten.
Until a little bit ago when suddenly the snow melted and there was a frozen, rotting pumpkin, on a rock in front of our house.
So what did Stephie do?
Kick it.
After which it promptly collapsed.
Rotting pumpkin, if we ever remove you from that rock in front of the house,
Rotting pumpkin, if we ever remove you from that rock in front of the house,
may you rest in peace.