Friday, May 4, 2012

TROY!!! - Check off one for the bucket list

Today I went to Troy.

Yes, I did the touristy Trojan Horse thing.
No, I am not ashamed at all. 

Water channels!

The famous walls of Troy.

A pose-worthy piece of fallen ceiling. 

Overlooking the location where Schliemann "supposedly" found his treasure trove of goods. 

Hiking through the edges of the site.
There were a lot of sea-shells here.

What remains of the large theater.
The prayer bubble was in full force here.
The large snake we were warned about didn't make an appearance.
I thank God for that, quite literally.

Bruce, or his backside anyway.

Bruce lounging and smoking...

...notice the no smoking sign.

After we left Troy we went to Assos and found a hotel
This is the view from our table at lunch.
Unbelievable right?

This is what I had for lunch.
Also quite unbelievable.

So, very, very, very good day.

Hope for many more to come!

♥ ♥ ♥

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