Saturday, May 5, 2012

Alice in Assos

Assos is one of my favorite places on Earth at the moment.
I have LOVED it here.

The theater was amazing and sooo very strange.
At least for what I am looking for.
Very helpful though and I'm excited to see what it will do for my study.

Assos also has a pretty interesting gate.
But lets face it, Holly and I were more interested in the few dozen sarcophagi in front of the gate.

Yes, I am in the sarcophagus.

This is the view from the Temple of Athena at the top of the hill.
Very faintly in the background you can see Lesbos where the poet Sappho resided.

GORGEOUS location.

And a picture of my chacos.

I accidentally dropped my sunglasses off a cliff.
Sacrifice to Athena I guess.
Except I don't believe in the goddess Athena.
Guess I'm just a klutz then.

Pillars at the Temple of Athena.
Holly and I took silly pictures but they are to silly to be included here.
Also, I do not have them - Cyndy does.

Overall an absolutely beautiful day.
I finished it off by swimming in the hotel pool which was about a dozen feet from the Aegean Sea.

It was pretty marvelous.
I fell asleep and had a dream about Alice and Wonderland.
I was Alice.
I'm not sure who Holly was but her dress was big, yellow, had green dots, a bright pink sash and puffed sleeves.
Bruce was the Mad Hatter - Johnny Depp style but no makeup.
I woke up to the sound of Cyndy grabbing her sweater from the chair next to me.

It was a bit random but hey, I was asleep next to the Aegean, does it really matter how random it was?

Overall an absolutely lovely day.

We are leaving in the morning for Pergamum.
I'm not sure when I will have internet again but I will post as soon as I can.

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