Thursday, September 8, 2011

Consequences of Writers Block

I love grad school.
I've said this before but I think it needs to be repeated...every day.
There are several reasons for this:
1. sometimes I need to remind myself how much I love grad school, especially when I am pulling all-nighters for weeks at a time.
2. I actually do love it.

Despite this love, everyday is not perfect.
For example:
This morning I am trying to write a paper.
I have lots of (what I think) are fantastic ideas, but for some reason when I try to type them I just can't find the right words.
In other words: WRITERS BLOCK!
I am not a fan.

So instead of writing my paper I thought I would play catch up.
Here is goes:

A few weeks ago we (the padre, the bug and I) dropped Stephie off at school and helped her apply to about 15 jobs.
It was a busy day.
Yes, we did it all in one day.
It was on this day that Bug and I became famous.

We had just dropped off the last application for Steph and a woman approached us.
She was doing a recording for a special artist presentation/video thing and needed two female voices to record a  written statement.
Well, Bug and I realized that there were two of us, and this woman was in definite need.
So we did it.
And now our voices are on some random video that will probably get an Oscar or something.
But....probably not.
It was fun though.

In other news:
I love my job.
I love both of them but ESPECIALLY job 1 (in publications).
Not as much as I love grad school.
But I really do love it a lot.
Let me, there is to much, let me sum up.

While this is the first time I have had this particular job, it is housed in the same location as another job that I had.
(which you should definitely check out for a good time)
Awesome things happen at that place, especially on the 2nd floor (where I work).
Like the traveling gnome, and other remarkable events.
For a review look here, here, here, and here.
This time, a toy dinosaur broke into the museum and left Lindsay a present.

and yes, the gnome is still wandering about the 2nd floor. 

In conclusion:
Life is grand, work is groovy, and school is great.
I realized how blessed I was while I was studying on campus,
next to a water fall,
in my little corner of heaven.
As I was sitting there reading about the Romans and thinking about how beautiful it was that morning, 
suddenly light peaked through the leaves of the trees and warmed my face.

It was pure heaven for a minute there.
So happy.

♥ ♥ ♥

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