Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Awesome archaeology -- "We like them to be dead...and human."

Yesterday was technically the first day of classes.
I say technically because I technically went to class but it wasn't mine.
Let me explain.
This semester I have 2 jobs.
I love them both.
Not equally, but there is enough love to go around.
Heaven knows I don't love anything outside of archaeology at present.
But that is besides the point.

My first job is my favorite.
I work for the publishing arm of the Anthropology department.
I absolutely love it.
I am learning so much.

My second job is also for the Anthropology department.
I work as a TA for the Intro to Archaeology course.
This job is also fun.
It is the class I attended yesterday.
The quote in the heading was said by the professor who was trying to explain to the students what exactly archaeologists study.
Dead people and their cultures.
Not dinosaurs.
People really struggle to understand that.
I can't figure out why.
Oh well.

In other good news I am now a part-time student.
There are good and bad things about this.
Good: I can afford tuition.
Bad: I am a part-time student and therefore am a lesser citizen in the eyes of the university.
...or so I thought.
I wanted to use the facilities here.
Not the bathroom...the pool, weight rooms, courts etc.
It costs $45 for part-time students.
I went to pay it and the guy asked me if I was a grad student.
I said yes.
He informed me that grad students are super special and always have access to facilities,
even if they are part-time.

I am sure I have said it before but I love being a grad student.
It is marvelous.

So life is good, school is starting, and happiness is the most present emotion at present.

♥ ♥ ♥

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