Saturday, August 27, 2011

Weak Sauce -- working at working out.

Working out...ugh.
I'm not one of those girls that heads to the gym for the fun of it...despite a pretty athletic background.
I have to have some kind of purpose.  
Losing weight or having a six-pack really isn't that inspiring to me.
Which is strange apparently.
Or so I am continually told.

So I gave myself a goal:
Do a triathlon!

But then I needed something to keep me going.
So I talked to my sisters and we are talking to others and we are all going to keep each other in check.
Sounds fantastic right?

Except we don't necessarily live near each other...
and we all kind of have different goals...
and like to work out at different times...
so working out together won't really work.

So what did we do?
We made a blog where we are going to post our goals, workouts, inspirations, and whatever else we feel like posting.
We're girls, there are endless possibilities.
(the inspiration for this came from my brother the little juan and his cross-country team)

It is called The Rolee Polees.

It's going to be so much fun!

♥ ♥ ♥

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