Wednesday, February 27, 2008

attitudes are contagious...mine might kill you

Many people claim to have been at the right place at the right time. What about me who feel like I am in no place and no time. I feel as though I am bobbing up and down in an endless ocean with nothing in sight. Each bob brings me to the surface for some breath of air, some glimse at the sun and a possibility of hope and yet I am so tired that each time I go underwater it is harder and takes me twice as long to come up. I am slowly drowning and yet no one sees me. Sound depressing, far-fetched and somewhat ridiculous? Welcome to my life at present.
In happier news....the sun is finally out and the sky is somewhat clear. This winter has been insane and I am so glad that spring is finally hitting. This is a very good thing.
And if you are wondering if I slept last night--no I did not. :)

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