Tuesday, March 4, 2008

wh-wh-what a day

I'm not quite sure what happened today but I'm pretty sure there have been things that have been much more pleasant. Due to my hardworking nature my working partner and I work to fast and finish earlier than anyone ever. Due to this I have a very acute lack of funds. Funds are needed, funds are necessary, funds I do not have. Also at work tday I realized that I only have 5 working days left, meaning that in two-and-a-half weeks my income of minimal funds will be non-exsistant. So I began frantically job searching today. Also school is reaching an all-time stress level not only in the classes that I am able to attend but also in that I have no money to finish my application to Jordan that is due before Monday, I still have not been able to get to my independent study courses due to my insane schedule. Also my car is out of commission apparantly till the end of the week. So all in all I have a migrane, an ulcer, I am about to be broke and unemployed, I cannot escape everything due to being stranded without transportation and I am seriously considering dropping out of schoool and joining the circus. I will be on display as the woman who spontaneously combusts and then returns to her human form. Kind of like old faithful in Yellowstone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allison you should teach me how to make my blog cool like yours :) And you should tell me what my username and password is