Friday, August 27, 2010

I LOVE mocking please.

I love, love, love being a grad student.
It is almost like a reward for making it through a lifetime of public and general schooling.
I mean really, college was pretty great, but it does not compare to what I am doing now.
Ok, I haven't attend my first grad class yet but I will on Monday.
What are some of the benefits of my graduate student status that I love?

  1. They gave me a grant...just for being in the program.  Now this won't happen every semester but it sure does feel nice at the moment.
  2. They gave me a job.  Several in fact.  Bless the Anthropology department.  Apparently grad students get first dibs.  I started working at the Office of Public Archaeology this summer and am a TA for the Intro to Archaeology class in the fall.
  3. They are paying for some books I need to TA.
  4. They pay you more.  True story.
  5. You get to go into locked doors that say "grad students only" because you are one!
  6. The parking is fantastic.  I can park in a covered parking garage...all year.  I tested it out today and it was wonderful.  I can also park right next to the pool...true story.  My life just changed. :)
  7. Professors love you.  Mainly because they get to use you as slaves, but also because I think they respect that you are trying to continue your education by going that extra mile.  (That extra mile really is being their slaves, but I like my professors so I don't mind.
  8. I am doing what I love.  I no longer HAVE to take random math credits or physics.  I have already done it.  I did my time.  I get to pick my thesis.  I get to pick what I study...roughly :).  
  9. They give free donuts and bagels out every Thursday morning.  I love my baked goods. :)
  10. I love school and get to be there for a bit longer.  I have never been to a place that I feel more at home than when I am on campus.  Even more so than the home I grew up in, my home now, or my bed.  I love, love, love school.
So, I get to start on Monday...yay!

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