Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Another Milestone...

Wow, it's been kind of a big week for me.

I went through the temple on Saturday and this morning I finished the Book of Mormon.


I always find it amazing how one book (and a pretty small one at that) can be so familiar and yet I learn so much every time I read it.

I also decided that Mormon and Moroni have to be the coolest dudes ever.

Mormon, because he was a historian as well as a prophet.

Moroni, because he was so strong in the face of some pretty depressing things.
Like his entire people being wiped out because of their exceeding wickedness.

I love reading their words, their testimonies, and how God was with them throughout their trials.

I LOVE this book!!!

So, tomorrow I start again.

And I know I will learn even more as I go.

♥ ♥ ♥

In other news, I started listening to conference talks while doing my daily yoga practice.

I found it to be incredibly relaxing, calming, and enlightening.

I try to focus on breathing, clearing my mind and such while doing my yoga.

I think that because of that I was able to focus more and hear better the words of the talks.

I really enjoyed it and definitely recommend it.

Yesterday I listened to the talks associated with this link on the lds.org website.

Super cool website by the way.

Have a marvelous day!

♥ ♥ ♥

1 comment:

Lynette Yorgason said...

Allison that's so wonderful that you went through the temple! I can hardly wait until I go through. One day. Not in the foreseeable future at this point but it will happen. :)