Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Leaving Tonopah...

Well I'm getting ready to leave Tonopah, Nevada and can I tell you how crazy that is?!?! Time this summer has absolutely flown and I'm not quite sure what to do with myslef. I started packing my car and suddenly I was having to worry about drama, and finances and jobs and school and relationships and run on sentences... Basically completely opposite of how I am right now. I've loved it here. It was so perfect this morning when I ran out to my car at 4:30 in the morning and looked at the most beautiful star filed sky I have ever seen. It seemed that there were more stars in the sky then black. It was beautiful and I just stopped and stared. I'm sure I'll be happy back in Happy Valley and know that it is time to move on but I just want to say that this experience has been so perfect for me. It is just what I needed, when I needed it and I am so happy at times I could absolutely burst.
So in closing feel like some stats?
- This summer we have surveyed over 2000 acres officially.
- I have also hiked over 250 miles...believe me, my shoes and feet show it.
- I saw my first rattlesnake
- I also got to play with the tail of a rattlesnake, yes we killed one and Sam cooked it for Luke and Nick for dinner.
- There has been a million things more but I can't say them all.
I'm happy, what else can I say?

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

That sounds awesome. It's great that you are out in the world and following your dreams. Hope you have a safe drive back and we hope to see you soon, it's been forever!