Sunday, August 24, 2014

What has become the semi-annual update.

Things have been so insane these last...almost six months.
I used to be so much better at this.

This summer has been absolutely insane.  

First off, I started the capstone of my museum program - the museum internship at the end of April.
I take the train three days a week to SLC to work at the Church History Museum.

It has been glorious and an absolute miracle straight from heaven.
And no, I am not being sarcastic.
It has been a most incredible experience.

The train has been good for me.
I write my thesis, I read, and I study my French reading.
It is very productive.
I have to chew a lot of gum though or I get nauseous.

This last month I spent every extra minute working on my theater analysis for my thesis.
I finished that two weeks ago and have been writing rather furiously since then.
I am not quite where I want to be but I am not that far behind.

So, things that have happened, outside of the internship and thesis (which honestly isn't much) is as follows.

I became an Aunt.

Which means my brother and his wife became parents - which was pretty awesome.

And my parentals became grandparents.

He is heartbreakingly adorable.

Jon graduated with his masters which was a fun weekend before he and his little family moved a state away.

He graduated with his mother-in-law and his sister-in-law.

Bug graduated from high school, in fact she is starting universitynext week.

Yep, the parentals are finally emptying the nest.

(this was actually on accident, she tripped)

I took her senior pictures which was super good fun.

The Padre has taken me on periodic hikes over the summer so I can keep my sanity in all of this madness.

It has been a crazy summer and it is coming quickly to a close.  
If all goes according to plan I will be finished with my thesis rough draft in the next two weeks!

This is so crazy!